


由《日落巴黎》(Before Sunset)監製約翰史洛斯(John Sloss)、《誘心人》導演米克尼高斯(Mike Nichols)聯手監製打造,新世代浪漫喜劇《Friends with Kids》,請來「演而優則導」的《24》才女導演珍妮花韋絲菲特(Jennifer Westfeldt),自編自導自演,親身演繹一個浪漫幽默的愛情故事。幕前陣容,更找來了一班最當時得令的演員壓陣,包括:熱播美劇《廣告狂人》(Mad Men)男主角、艾美奬提名視帝尊咸姆(Jon Hamm);去年瘋魔全美的喜劇《最爆伴娘團》(Bridesmaids)女主角姬絲汀慧(Kristen Wiig);《變形金剛》系列(Transformers Series)、《大鈍裁者》(The Dictator)性感女神美瑾霍絲(Megan Fox);《娛樂大亨》(The Aviator) 性格男星亞當史葛(Adam Scott);《27宜嫁》(27 Dresses)型男艾活賓斯(Edward Burns);以及《中坑同學會》(Grown Ups)爆笑女星美雅諾道芙(Maya Rudolph),領銜主演。務求以最輕鬆抵死的角度,與你分享湊仔、結婚的生活哲理;9月6日,《Friends with Kids》。

知己好友 變咗乖仔老豆
諗住愛情唔上身 最後會否弄假成真!?

Julie(珍妮花韋絲菲特 飾)和Jason(亞當史葛 飾)是一對生活於曼克頓市內,講生活、講享受的死黨。眼看到了適婚年齡,仍未有心怡對象出現,Julie深怕自己未能趕上「生仔尾班車」的行列;但睇住身邊朋友們有了BB後,夫妻之間的浪漫卻逐漸消失,又不禁使Julie 卻步。終於,在一次偶然機會下,Jason提出了一個終極 solution:由知己共同扶養一個BB,平分做父母的責任;兩人承諾不會結婚,在照顧兒子期間,若果遇到適合對象,大可放肆出擊,一於奉行「仔照『鎅』,女照『媾』」的單身生活!

這項驚人舉動,觸動起身邊已婚好友的「八卦」神經,當中包括Leslie(美雅諾道芙 飾)和Alex(基斯奧杜迪 飾),以及Ben(尊咸姆 飾)和Missy(姬絲汀慧 飾),都不太看好他們。起初,Jason和Julie的確做得到,惹來Leslie等人羡慕不已。但隨著Jason的火辣新女友Mary Jane(美瑾霍絲),以及Julie高大威猛的新男友Kurt(艾活賓斯 飾)的出現,這對好朋友的關係遽然產生了微妙變化!Julie開始對Jason愈來愈著緊,但Mary Jane的存在,卻令到Jason難以接受她;同一時間,Jason在不知不覺間,亦慢慢發現了Julie的可愛之處…到底這對「友情」人能否成為眷屬?難道,知己就是天作之合Perfect Match?一場窩心惹笑的浪漫情緣,即將展開!

Julie (Westfeldt), a thirty-something Manhattanite who can’t find a guy to make her feel as alive as Jason (Scott), her platonic BFF from college. Her peers have already coupled up. Missy (Wiig) and Ben (Hamm) are so hot for each other, they sneak off for quickies. Leslie (Rudolph) and Alex (O’Dowd), appalled at the sight of kids in chic restaurants, live lives out of “Sex and the City”.

Skip ahead four years, and everything changes. Leslie and Alex have two kids they can barely handle, and have exiled themselves to Far Tortuga, meaning Brooklyn. Missy and a heavy-drinking Ben cope with a newborn and snipe at each other. The tension isn’t missed by Julie and Jason, but even they decide to enter the baby fray. One caveat: They share custody but maintain separate apartments and lives. When baby Joe is born, Jason still finds time to bonk dancer Maryjane (Fox), and Julie finds bliss in Kurt (Burns), a divorced father of two. They’re the envy of all their friends until Julie starts having feelings for the father of her child…


《 結婚那件事》



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