


2010年,首集《轟天猛將》(The Expendables)集合本世紀最強武打動作巨星,全球狂收2億7千多萬美元票房,打出漂亮一仗!今年,原班人馬,再度重裝出擊,包括:史泰龍阿諾舒華辛力加李連杰布斯韋利士積遜史達頓龍格爾蘭迪古卓(Randy Couture) (《蝎子王前傳》),以及泰利卡路斯(Terry Crews)(《電玩逃殺王》)。全新加入,更有:里安咸士禾夫尚格雲頓羅禮士,以及內地女星余男(《圖雅的婚事》)!《驚天動地》、《盜墓者羅拉》導演西蒙韋斯特(Simon West)領軍執導,超強鋼鐵陣容,《轟天猛將2》(The Expendables 2),9月13日,再度引爆驚天動地大火拼!

THE EXPENDABLES 2, a film by Simon West, is the highly anticipated sequel to the summer 2010 worldwide box-office success ($274 million worldwide). The film stars Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, with Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger, with newest cast members Liam Hemsworth, Scott Adkins, martial arts legends Chuck Norris and Jean Claude Van Damme, and Chinese actress Yu Nan as the first female EXPENDABLE.   The film is directed by Simon West.  Screenplay by Richard Wenk and Sylvester Stallone. Story by Ken Kaufman & David Agosto and Richard Wenk. Based on Characters Created by David Callaham.  The film is produced by Avi Lerner, Kevin King Templeton, Danny Lerner and Les Weldon.  Jon Feltheimer, Jason Constantine, Eda Kowan, Basil Iwanyk and Guymon Casady serve as Executive Producers along with Danny Dimbort,  Boaz Davidson and Trevor Short. Lionsgate and Millennium Films present a Nu Image production.


由Barney(史泰龍 飾)所領軍的特種僱傭部隊,個個訓練有素,位位身懷絕技!一天,Barney再次收到由Mr. Church(布斯韋利士 飾)所派遣的任務。詎料,這次本應手到拿來的簡單行動,卻因為Barney的大意和輕率,導致失敗告終。全隊人馬被Jean Vilain(尚格雲頓 飾)所統率的恐怖份子重重圍困;其中一名成員不幸陣亡,形勢極度惡劣!然而,更令Barney震驚的,是Jean Vilain手上竟持有為數達5公噸的高危「鈈」原素(Plutonium),威力足以摧毁全世界!為了全球安危,更要替死去的戰友報仇,Barney與好拍檔Lee(積遜史達頓 飾)、Yi Yang(李連杰 飾)、Trench(阿諾舒華辛力加 飾)、Gunnar(龍格爾 飾),以及更多猛人伙伴,立刻披上最強武裝,誓要拼盡最後一口氣,也要剷除Jean Vilain,完成這場終極任務!

The Expendables are back and this time it’s personal...

Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham), Yin Yang (Jet Li), Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lundgren), Toll Road (Randy Couture) and Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) -- with newest members Billy the Kid (Liam Hemsworth) and Maggie (Yu Nan) aboard -- are reunited when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) enlists the Expendables to take on a seemingly simple job.  The task looks like an easy paycheck for Barney and his band of old-school mercenaries.   But when things go wrong and one of their own is viciously killed, the Expendables are compelled to seek revenge in hostile territory where the odds are stacked against them.  Hell-bent on payback, the crew cuts a swath of destruction through opposing forces, wreaking havoc and shutting down an unexpected threat in the nick of time — five tons of weapons-grade plutonium, far more than enough to change the balance of power in the world.  But that's nothing compared to the justice they serve against the villainous adversary who savagely murdered their brother.

That is done the Expendables way....



《 結婚那件事》



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