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A Psychic Boy Unravels Gruesome Mystery Surrounding His Classmates’ DisappearanceIn-su comes back to his hometown where all his miseries of being able to see ghosts started.  He tried running away but, as In-su can’t help but taking grudges of ghosts, more ghosts swarm around him.  He seeks advice from his uncle, Sun-il who also inherited the ability from their great grandfather but Sun-il is of no help.  In-su’s new high school life is another nightmare with a gang of cruel kids picking on weak classmates.  His only consolation is a mysterious ghost girl friend.  One day, the gangbangers at school get attacked one by one a gruesome-looking masked girl.  In-su senses powerfully fierce grudge around the class and finds connection with a bullied girl who committed suicide.  Associating with his dark past, In-su wants to make changes and engages deeper into the deadly case to unmask the secret.